Welcome to our guide on the Tu Ka’loh Shrine in Zelda in Breath of the Wild, your go-to source for navigating this challenging quest in northeastern Hyrule.

Location and Initial Steps
The Tu Ka’loh Shrine is strategically tucked away in northeastern Hyrule, making it a somewhat elusive destination for players. To reach it, you’ll want to head north from the Akkala Ancient Tech Lab. Make your way down a gentle slope, and then take a right to climb a boulder. From here, you can paraglide directly into the opening of a walled maze. Congratulations, you’ve just reached the starting point of the Trial of the Labyrinth!
For those who prefer seafaring, the shrine is also accessible via the Akkala Sea, situated within the maze on Lomei Labyrinth Island. Beware of airborne Guardians patrolling the area; these mechanical foes make climbing or taking shortcuts an unwise decision.

Navigating the Maze
The moment you enter the maze for the Trial of the Labyrinth, you’ll immediately attract the attention of a roaming Guardian. Your best strategy here is to duck to your left and run behind high stone blocks to avoid being detected. The maze is confusing, but don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with a simplified Trial of the Labyrinth map that can guide you through.
Continue toward the back of the maze, navigating your way to the back left side of the open area. As you proceed, you’ll come across a metal block that can be moved using the Magnesis ability. Behind this block lies a treasure chest containing the Giant Ancient Core, a valuable item for your journey.

The Trial of the Labyrinth: Key Moments
Successfully evading the Guardian and obtaining the Giant Ancient Core are just the initial challenges in the Trial of the Labyrinth. As you delve deeper into the maze, you’ll find small passages leading you to a large block on your map. This represents the chamber where you’ll gain access to the Tu Ka’loh Shrine itself. Keep an eye out for a ladder flanked by torches on either side.
Climbing this ladder will bring you to a set of stairs. Ascend these and follow the hallway until you reach an opening covered with thorns. A well-placed fire arrow will burn these away, granting you access to a new corridor. Here, you’ll find the Great Flameblade resting against a wall, another treasure to claim.
Continue along the main corridor, battling Keese enemies along the way. Eventually, you’ll reach the actual shrine, and the challenge of the labyrinth will be complete.
Solving Puzzles and Finding Treasure
Surprisingly, the actual Tu Ka’loh Shrine doesn’t contain a conventional challenge. Instead, the challenge lies in finding and entering it. Once inside the shrine, you’re immediately greeted with a treasure chest. Open it to receive the Barbarian Helm, a powerful piece of armor that boosts your attack power.
Although the shrine itself may not present intricate puzzles, the Trial of the Labyrinth leading up to it is filled with hidden treasures and obstacles to overcome. From evading Guardians to locating hidden objects like the Giant Ancient Core, the pathway to the shrine is an adventure in itself.

Final Steps and Rewards
After navigating the maze, solving its challenges, and claiming your Barbarian Helm, you’re just a few steps away from completing the Tu Ka’loh Shrine adventure. To claim your final reward, head for the shrine’s exit to meet Tu Ka’loh and collect your Spirit Orb.
The Spirit Orb is more than just a trophy; it’s a valuable item that can be used to either increase your total health or stamina. Couple that with the Barbarian Armor you’ve obtained, and you’re well-equipped to take on even more challenging quests and enemies in majestic world of Zelda.
Congratulations on conquering the Tu Ka’loh Shrine and its Trial of the Labyrinth. With new gear and valuable experience, you’re ready for your next adventure in Zelda: Breath of the Wild.