When it comes to iconic video game locations, BotW Hyrule Castle stands out as a labyrinth of wonder, teeming with secrets waiting to be discovered. This sprawling fortress serves as the backdrop for Link’s ultimate confrontation with Calamity Ganon as the final act of the story in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. But as players rush towards this epic finale, many bypass the hidden treasures and mysterious nooks that make Hyrule Castle a layered and intriguing playground. Whether you’re a veteran player or new to the Zelda universe, our guide aims to shed light on the overlooked wonders within Hyrule Castle. Prepare to explore like never before.

The Hidden World of Korok Seeds
Don’t let the grandeur of BotW Hyrule Castle distract you from the little things—specifically, the Korok seeds scattered around its intricate architecture. With 900 Korok seeds to discover in the broader world of Hyrule, a handful of these elusive collectibles can be found within the castle’s confines. From a balcony above the King’s Study to the armory’s leaf pile and even the towering spires, these seeds challenge players to observe their surroundings carefully. One especially well-hidden Korok seed is tucked away in a stone corridor, only revealed by demolishing a fragile wall. If you thought you’d fully explored Hyrule Castle, these Koroks might make you think again.

The Elemental Arsenal
Hyrule Castle is a treasure trove of potent weaponry, including Elemental swords that can give you an invaluable edge in combat. For instance, a Great Flameblade is perched on a high ledge near the Docks. A Frostblade awaits in the debris near the castle’s library, and a Thunderblade can be found on top of a grand staircase, concealed within a room above the King’s Study. Arm yourself adequately as you venture deeper into the castle, and don’t miss out on these elemental assets.

Navigating the Maze for the Royal Guard Sword
The Royal Guard Sword is a coveted item in Hyrule Castle, and for good reason. Its aesthetic resemblance to the iconic Master Sword is more than just a visual delight; it’s a highly functional weapon. However, locating it within the labyrinthine layout of the castle can be challenging. A corridor above the Armory holds the key to finding this exceptional blade. Breakable walls hide its chamber, urging players to rely on their bombs to access it. Once inside, the sword sits on a pedestal, awaiting its next master.

A Library Worth Exploring
Hyrule Castle’s library is not just a repository of lore and ancient texts—it’s also a chamber of secrets. You’ll need to use Magnesis to move a bookshelf to gain entry, but once you’re in, the library reveals its treasures generously. From hidden cooking recipes central to the “A Royal Recipe” side quest to gems, Rupees, and the King of Hyrule’s secret study, the library is a treasure trove for the curious explorer.

The Docks: Your Secret Entryway
Scaling the castle walls might be the most straightforward way to reach your destination, but doing so could mean missing out on some of Breath of the Wild Hyrule Castle’s secrets. The castle’s docks offer an alternative, less-guarded entryway into the fortress. Situated in a cavern on the castle’s northern side, this route not only provides an abundance of weapons and supplies but also leads directly to a crucial shrine, making it a strategic point for infiltrating the castle.

BotW Hyrule Castle Secret: Unlocking the Saas Ko’sah Shrine
For this Breath of the Wild Hyrule Castle secret, you need to go directly above the docks, where you’ll find the Saas Ko’sah Shrine. Light the large torch next to its base, and the shrine ascends from its platform, ready for activation. The prize? A “Major Test of Strength” challenge that pits you against formidable Guardian enemies. Beyond the Spirit Orb you earn, the true reward lies in the convenience of a fast-travel point right inside Hyrule Castle, simplifying future visits and strategic retreats.

The Lockup: Risk and Reward
Venture further into the castle, and you’ll stumble upon the Lockup. Once a prison, this area has transformed into a perilous passageway teeming with Moblins and Lizalfos. If you manage to brave through this hazardous hallway, your bravery is rewarded with valuable gems and useful weapons stashed away in the cells. Additionally, hidden passages offer alternate routes to other sections, providing a multi-faceted experience within the castle’s walls.

An Encounter with Stalnox: The Lockup’s Fearsome Resident
Further deepening the intrigue of the Lockup is the Stalnox, a fearsome skeletal beast. The confined space makes this battle a test of both skill and strategy. Victory not only grants you passage but also rewards you with the prized Hylian Shield, a stalwart defense against the castle’s many dangers.

The Uncharted Cartway: An Alternative Entrance
If the docks seem too straightforward, how about a mining cart as an entrance? Tucked away further from the docks, this hidden path is both entertaining and unguarded, save for a few Keese. Remote bombs propel the cart through a narrow pathway, ultimately leading you to the Western Passage of the castle, and even featuring its own hidden Korok Seed for those who explore diligently.

Lynels at the Gate: Extreme Caution Advised
If you’ve made it to the upper exterior of the castle, brace yourself for a nerve-wracking encounter with Lynels. These powerful creatures guard the gateways, posing a challenge that many might find too daunting. However, the rewards for defeating them are incredibly valuable, making it a worthwhile risk for experienced adventurers.

Zelda’s Room and Study: A Glimpse into Royalty
Near the top of the castle, you’ll find access to Princess Zelda’s private quarters. While they bear the scars of Calamity, her room and study offer poignant insights into her life and thoughts. Zelda’s diary and journals provide a deeper understanding of her motivations, adding emotional weight to your quest.
Hyrule Castle is not just a final destination, but a journey filled with captivating BotW Hyrule Castle secrets. Whether you’re an explorer at heart, a combat enthusiast, or a lore aficionado, the castle offers something for everyone. As you prepare for the ultimate showdown with Calamity Ganon, remember that every secret corner of Hyrule Castle in BotW is a chapter in the epic saga of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.