
Unlocking the Paraglider in Tears of the Kingdom: A Comprehensive Guide

Unlocking the Paraglider in Tears of the Kingdom: A Comprehensive Guide

The paraglider is not just a mere accessory in ‘The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom’—it’s a game-changer, literally. If you find yourself wandering through the magnificent realms of Hyrule right off the bat, there’s a chance you might overlook this crucial tool. If visions of soaring through the skies and embarking on elevated combat are still a dream, worry not! Here’s your guide to snagging that paraglider early on in TotK, ensuring that your next leap off a sky island doesn’t end with a thud, and unlocking the freedom to explore the hidden gems and battle quirks of the expansive, mysterious Hyrule realm.

How to Acquire the Paraglider in TOTK

Lookout Landing Map Location TotK

So, you’ve started your journey and you’re on the ‘To The Kingdom of Hyrule’ main quest. Cool! This will lead you straight to Lookout Landing, a focal point in the center of the game map. Here’s where you bump into Purah, a face you’ll recognize if you’ve played ‘Breath of the Wild.’

Spoiler alert: you’re going to get the paraglider as a reward once you’re through with this quest!

Doctor Purrah interacting with Link

Now, once you’re at Lookout Landing and you’ve had a chat with Purah, you’ll learn about a group that’s desperately trying to find Link and Zelda around Hyrule Castle. Purah, with her wealth of knowledge, will ask you to give Hoz a shout and let him know you’re alive and well, kicking off the ‘Crisis At Hyrule Castle’ quest. It’s another step closer to getting your hands on that paraglider!

Link making his way towards the Frist Gate House

Finding Hoz is easy, but if you do not know the way you can waste a lot of time. All the guards in Hyrule castle all tell you to go to the First Gate house. There you can find lots of torch, some arrows, and a NPC who will tell you that all the weapons in through Hyrule are all now decayed. And now comes the easy part – do not wander much; you just need to climb and find Hoz waiting at the top of the tower. A brief exchange will occur with him, just before what appears to be a glimpse of Zelda (a very rich story driven cutscene!).

Link speaking with Hoz at the top of the Frist Gate House.

Also IMPORTANT: exercise caution while traversing through this terrain, as it is susceptible to thunderstorms, necessitating the removal of all metallic items. We don’t want you activating a previous save game and redoing some of the stuff!

Alright, after your meeting with Hoz, head back to Lookout Landing. Purah is working on getting the Skyview Tower up and running. Once you’ve managed to activate the tower and you’re safely back on solid ground, Purah will hand over the paraglider. It’s not just a reward; it’s your ticket to exploring TotK in all its glory and beauty!” Also another note: These towers are your key to fast travel, and they’ll also uncover more of the map for you.

Customizing Your Paraglider in TOTK:

Exploring Customization

In TOTK, modifying your glider goes beyond surface-level changes; it’s a journey of exploration and reflection. Players uncover a variety of fabrics while wandering through Hyrule, each piece emblematic of a unique element of the land. Whether it’s hidden chests or quest rewards, every fabric lets players flaunt their unique journey and preferences during their flights.

A Visit to Kochi Dye Shop:

The Kochi Dye Shop is located in Hateno within the Necluda region. It’s your go-to place to bring all the patterns you’ve found to life. Keep in mind, applying a new design will cost you 20 rupees, so make sure your wallet’s ready. The designs you choose are more than just a pretty face—they’re a visual diary of your adventures and encounters in the vivid realm of Hyrule, reflecting the game’s diverse characters and elements.

Link speaking to Sayge in Kochi Dye Shop

A Spectrum of Fabrics: Choices Abound:

In TOTK, players have an array of fabric options to select from, offering both in-game and Amiibo exclusive fabrics. These selections include:

TOTK Paraglider Fabrics:

  • Cece Fabric
  • Horse God Fabric
  • Sheikah Fabric
  • Nostalgic Fabric
  • Korok Fabric
  • Hudson Construction Fabric
  • Yiga Fabric
  • Chuchu Fabric
  • Eldin-Ostrich Fabric
  • Horse Fabric
  • Cucco Fabric
  • Grizzlemaw-Bear Fabric
  • Aerocuda Fabric
  • Stalnox Fabric
  • Lynel Fabric
  • Gleeok Fabric
  • Zonai Fabric
  • Gerudo Fabric

Amiibo Only Paraglider Fabrics:

  • Hylian Hood Fabric
  • Tunic of Memories Fabric
  • Hyrule-Princess Fabric
  • Ancient-Sheikah Fabric
  • Bokoblin Fabric
  • Zora-Champion Fabric
  • Goron-Champion Fabric
  • Rito-Champion Fabric
  • Gerudo-Champion Fabric
  • Egg Fabric
  • Majora’s Mask Fabric
  • Lon Lon Ranch Fabric
  • Goddess Fabric
  • Princess of Twilight Fabric
  • Demon King Fabric
  • Champion’s Tunic Fabric
  • Bygone-Royal Fabric
  • King of Red Lions Fabric
  • Pixel Fabric
Different types of fabrics for TOTK Paraglider

Strategic Application: Beyond Aesthetics

Picking different fabrics is not just about aesthetics; it’s also about aligning with your playstyle strategy. Maybe one fabric is a friend to those who like to sneak around, while another makes you stand out. Learning the perks of each fabric choice can genuinely shape your gameplay, giving you a chance to traverse Hyrule with a paraglider that’s both a strategic advantage and a personal statement in TOTK.

About Author


Mogrut is a seasoned gamer with a passion for the virtual world. With years of experience in MMORPGs like World of Warcraft, he has mastered the art of online gaming. When he's not raiding dungeons or battling foes, Mogrut enjoys exploring the diverse landscapes of Switch and indie games. His love for gaming is only matched by his desire to share tips, strategies, and reviews with fellow enthusiasts.