Are you new to World of Warcraft: Wrath of The Lich King? Then this quick recap of the Story of Arthas is just for you – we will learn how Arthas went from a noble hero, to becoming a deathknight and taking over the mantle as Lich King.
The Lich King is one of the most iconic and powerful villains in one of the most popular games of the 21th century – World of Warcraft . He is the master of the undead Scourge, a wielder of the cursed runeblade Frostmourne, and a former paladin who betrayed his people and his ideals. But who is the Lich King, and how did he become what he is? To answer that, we need to go back to the origins of Arthas Menethil, the man who would become the Lich King.
The Rise of a Hero
Arthas Menethil was the heir to the throne of Lordaeron, which was leading force Alliance of Lordaeron. He was mentored in the ways of the Light as a paladin by Uther the Lightbringer, the eminent leader of the Knights of the Silver Hand—a sacred order committed to vanquishing evil and safeguarding the innocent. Arthas was also in love with Jaina Proudmoore, a talented sorceress and a leader of the Kirin Tor, a powerful mage faction based in Dalaran. Additionally, Arthas shared a profound bond with his steadfast steed, Invincible. The tragic loss of Invincible deeply affected Arthas and served as a pivotal point, solidifying his resolve to defend his kingdom against any calamity.

Arthas was a noble and courageous young man, deeply driven by an unyielding desire to shield his kingdom and his loved ones from looming threats, resorting to any means he deemed necessary. He was especially concerned about the plague of undeath that was spreading across Lordaeron, turning living beings into mindless zombies under the control of a mysterious entity called the Lich King. Arthas joined forces with Jaina and Uther to investigate the source of the plague and stop it from spreading further. They investigated the city of Stratholme where they uncovered the conspiracy that was evolving – the citizens were fed plagued food that turned them into zombies. Kel’Thuzad was the leader of the cult responsible for this plague, but soon he met his demise by the wrath of the young prince of Lorderon. With the whole situation evolving, and the plague unstoppable by any normal means led Arthas to do the unthinkable – kill everyone in the city. Jaina and Uther protested and left the young prince to do the butchering himself. This whole episode revealed the real culprit behind the plague – Mal’Ganis.
The Descent into Madness
Arthas went insane and became obsessed with finding and killing Mal’Ganis, a dreadlord who was leading the Scourge in Lordaeron. Mal’Ganis taunted Arthas and challenged him to follow him to Northrend, a frozen continent where the Lich King’s throne was located. Arthas accepted the challenge and pursued Mal’Ganis with a small army, leaving behind Jaina and Uther.

Pursuing Mal’Ganis & the Quest for Frostmourne
In Northrend, Arthas met Muradin Bronzebeard, a dwarf explorer who was looking for a legendary sword called Frostmourne. Arthas learned that Frostmourne was a powerful weapon that could help him defeat Mal’Ganis and end the plague. However, from Muradin he learned that Frostmourne was cursed blade and the price was for wielding was unimaginable.

Arthas ignored Muradin’s warnings and decided to claim Frostmourne for himself. He found the sword in a hidden chamber guarded by an icy barrier. He broke the barrier with his hammer, but in doing so he triggered a trap that caused ice shards to fall from the ceiling. One of them impaled Muradin, seemingly killing him. Arthas did not care about Muradin’s fate and reached for Frostmourne to continue his mission.
As he touched the sword, he heard a voice in his head. It was the voice of Ner’zhul, the orc shaman who became the first Lich King after being tortured and corrupted by Kil’jaeden, a demon lord who wanted to use him as a weapon against Azeroth.
Arthas agreed to the deal without even knowing the consequences and took Frostmourne in his hands. He felt a surge of power coursing through his veins, but he also felt his soul being torn from his body and trapped inside the sword.
Arthas then confronted Mal’Ganis and killed him with Frostmourne. Believing he had avenged his people and fulfilled a somber destiny, he soon unraveled the cruel revelation that he was merely a pawn, ensnared in the deceptive webs woven by Ner’zhul from the beginning. He had lost his free will and became a slave of Ner’zhul. The plague was not meant to weaken Azeroth for Kil’jaeden’s invasion, but to create an army of undead for Ner’zhul’s own rebellion against Kil’jaeden.
The Fall and Rise of a King
Next, Arthas returned to Lordaeron as Ner’zhul’s death knight. He murdered his father, King Terenas Menethil II, and took over his kingdom. He then resurrected Kel’Thuzad, a human necromancer who had been working for Ner’zhul before Arthas killed him. Together, they led the Scourge in destroying Quel’Thalas, the homeland of the high elves, and Dalaran, the city of magic.
The Frozen Throne and the Becoming the Lich King
Arthas then followed Ner’zhul’s instructions and traveled to Icecrown Glacier, where Ner’zhul’s spirit was imprisoned inside a block of ice called the Frozen Throne. There, he fought against Illidan Stormrage, a night elf demon hunter who had been sent by Kil’jaeden to destroy the Lich King. Arthas defeated Illidan and reached the Frozen Throne.
He then struck the ice with Frostmourne, shattering it and releasing Ner’zhul’s spirit. He then put on Ner’zhul’s helm, the Helm of Domination, which contained his power and his will. As he did so, he merged with Ner’zhul and became the new Lich King, the sole ruler of the Scourge.
For years, Arthas, entangled in his tormented thoughts and malevolent schemes, languished on the Frozen Throne, biding his time with unrelenting patience. He eventually banished the last remnants of his humanity and consumed Ner’zhul’s spirit, becoming the only personality of the Lich King. He then unleashed a new wave of undeath upon Azeroth, hoping to wipe out all life and create a world of eternal darkness.
The Fall of the Lich King
However, his reign of terror was not unopposed. A coalition of heroes from the Alliance and the Horde, led by Tirion Fordring, a former paladin and friend of Arthas, stormed his fortress, Icecrown Citadel, and confronted him in his throne room. There, they fought against him in an epic battle that decided the fate of Azeroth.
Arthas found himself mortally wounded by Tirion, who, wielding the sacred sword Ashbringer with righteous fury, shattered Frostmourne, releasing the tormented souls ensnared within. As Frostmourne broke, the souls of those who had been killed by it were released, including Arthas’ father, who cradled his dying son in his arms. Arthas asked his father if it was over at last, and Terenas replied that it was. The fall of the Lich king happened, Arthas was no more. Leaving behind the Helm of Domination.
A New Lich King
Tirion then picked up the helm and realized that someone had to wear it to keep the Scourge in check. He was about to put it on himself, but he was stopped by Bolvar Fordragon, a noble paladin who had been captured and tortured by Arthas. Bolvar had been exposed to the flames of the red dragonflight, which had made him immune to the plague. He offered to become the new Lich King and keep the Scourge under control.
Tirion agreed and placed the helm on Bolvar’s head. Bolvar then declared himself as the new Lich King and ordered Tirion and his allies to leave Icecrown and never return. He then sealed himself inside the Frozen Throne, where he remains to this day.
Conclusion: A Tale of Tragedy and Warning
This is the tragic story of Arthas Menethil, the Lich King. He was once a hero who wanted to save his people from a terrible fate, but he ended up becoming one of the greatest threats to Azeroth. He sacrificed everything for a cause that was not his own, and he paid a terrible price for it. He is a reminder that even the noblest of intentions can lead to the darkest of outcomes.